Thursday, August 11, 2011

Empowering the Future

Learning Leaders will emerge from summer vacation and return to another exciting school year in just four short days. As always, we will be greeted with a new school theme and a 180 teaching days full of new possibilities.  With this school theme, I know the kids will transform from tired eyed and groggy to alert and energized!  The Learning Headquarters are going through a supersized superhero transformation as we speak. Stay tuned...

Chets Creek Elementary – Empowering the Future! from Melanie Holtsman on Vimeo.


  1. Hello. I'd love to know how you utilize the Counting Tape using post-it notes. I have looked everywhere online and I have found Everyday Counts and people use patterns on a calendar. But I've never seen post-it notes. What are the steps? What do you do? Thanks so much!

  2. @Mrs. Downing,
    Counting Tape is a part of the Everyday Counts supplemental program. The patterns that are used depend on the grade level. We put up 180 post it notes and each day add the number that correlates with how long we've been in school. In grade three, we highlight multiples of 5 and 10 in a different color. In younger grades, they might highlight even and odd numbers, as an example. I would highly recommend the supplemental program to give you the entire structure of a Skills Block. We've implemented for a few years and feel ready now, due to our core curriculum tool, to implement the fourth grade Everyday Counts in grade 3. Hope this helps. Suzanne

  3. Hi, I just came across your blog! Thanks for sharing the classroom ideas! I was wondering where the shelving (use for the leveled science books) came from? They are EXACTLY what I need!

  4. Jasmine,
    The black shelves are from Target and the blue bins are from
