Wednesday, August 31, 2011

This Year's Journey

In a previous post, I shared with you my excitement about heading back to the classroom this year. And, though I am utterly exhausted during this second week of school, I am also calmly reflective and overwhelmingly renewed, reconfirming for me that I am exactly where I should be at this point in my learning journey, with the children.

It's been fascinating coming back into the classroom not only with my teacher's eyes, but from the perspective of a coach, too. Things have caught my attention that might otherwise quietly pass, because I am intrigued by the small details that make all the difference in the big scheme of things. I feel called to try and document my experiences this year, though I admit that classroom planning and sleep have won out over all else the past two weeks. I'm sure many of you reading this can certainly relate. However, just so you know, I am committed and there is a post in the works on the Rituals, Routines, and Expectations so student learning time throughout the year is maximized. If you are a system's thinker, you'll definitely want to stay tuned. 

Finally, I wanted to invite you to join me at  The blog is the combined effort of my SOLAR (Shall, O'Leary, Lipsky, and Russell) Power team this year as we guide and educate our young learners.   


  1. I am a bit bleary-eyed myself. This year has been a huge transitional year for Mr. Tamburrino and the effects are being felt both at home and at school.

    We are two weeks into the school year and I finally finished a bulletin board in my classroom that was only half-baked.

    I'm right there with you, sister!

  2. Last year was my first year back in the classroom after 5 years of serving as the reading coach. I taught a kindergarten class with 18 uniquely different children. Previously I had taught third grade, needless to say this was a huge adjustment. Thanks to a great team I survived!!

  3. I too returned to the classroom this year as a kindergarten teacher. My previous experience was teaching third grade. It was almost like my first year teaching and I am a veteran of 16 Thank the Lord I had the opportunity to observe a lot of great instruction over the 5 years. I served as reading coach.
