Saturday, August 23, 2014

Up Up and Away... It's the Students' First Day!

Monday was the students' first day of school.  Like most first days, I'm sure dinner time conversation centered on their new teacher's name,  friends that were in class with them, exciting things they would be learning this year. But, you know what's really cool?  Chets' munchkins were talking about a hot air balloon ride and their (mostly) brave principal, Mrs. Phillips!

Mrs. KK, our Media Specialist & Mrs. Phillips always conspire to plan a first day WOW for our kids based on our theme. They aim to capture our young learners attention and create a memory maker. They want to WOW them!  Watching the kids' faces and hearing their stories for days, lets me know, that their mission was, again, accomplished!

Mrs. Phillips as her ride is prepared!
I won't lie, I was nervous for her!
This basket tipped back and forth, back and forth.
You can see people pushing, just trying to stablize the basket.
Up Up and Away!
Mrs. Phillips smiles... It's almost over!


  1. There's no place like Chets Creek!! What a wonderful way to start the year.

  2. Oh my gosh! Certainly a day to remember!
