Thursday, February 11, 2010

Interest Survey

Believe it or not, as we mark the mid-point of every school year, we begin anticipating and planning for the next year. Principal Phillips sends teachers an interest survey so she can anticipate vacancies and search for teaching candidates if she foresees openings. In addition, and more importantly, she truly values the input of teachers, and tries to meet the needs of each teacher as best she can. This survey is one way to ensure that the teachers’ voices are heard and to get an idea of who wants to take a risk and try something new.

Chets Creek Elementary
2010-2011 Interest Form

Name: ____________________Date: __________________
Please complete the following as honestly as you can at this point. It is helpful if I can begin searching for teaching candidates now as opposed to waiting much later in the year. I am also more than willing to help and support you with other opportunities – your happiness is extremely important. Whatever you say is OK!
______ Right now, I plan to return to Chets Creek next year.
______ I will be seeking another opportunity next year and am not planning on returning.

Please complete the following with your interests. As I make decisions that impact the whole school I like to consider your interests as I keep the big picture in mind. I am not always able to honor every request but they will be considered.
My Grade Level Preference(s) are:
My Teaching Subject Preference is:
My Ideal Teaching Partner is:
I am ready to Co-Teach:
My Ideal Co-Teaching Partner is:
I am willing to teach in an Inclusion setting:
My Ideal ESE Teaching Partner is:

I would like to have an opportunity to serve Chets Creek in the following leadership capacity:
Patrol Sponsor (Stipend) YES NO MAYBE
SAC Faculty Representative YES NO MAYBE
PTA Board Faculty Representative YES NO MAYBE
Grade Level Team Leader YES NO MAYBE
Model Classroom Teacher YES NO MAYBE
Academic Subject Coach YES NO MAYBE
Please complete and turn in to S. Phillips no later than Friday, January 22.

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