Monday, September 20, 2010

Waiting for Superman

I'm sitting here watching Oprah. Oprah, Bill Gates, Michelle Rhee, and Davis Guggenheim are talking about the dire state of our public schools. Davis has directed a movie, Waiting for Superman, to begin a conversation about this desperate situation. I know there will be push back from many teachers and some will complain and make excuses. However, when you face the drop out rate reality and see how many people exit our high schools without the ability to succeed in a four year college, you have to wonder when the nation will wake up and demand more.

I am truly blessed to work in a magnificent school with dedicated passionate quality teachers. I am not offended by the comments by Oprah or her guests. They have the same vision that I do. They want what is best for our nations' children regardless of their SES status, their race, their genre, their neighborhood. They want every school to succeed. Oprah says, "It's going to shake up public school education..." I can't wait to watch and see if that indeed is true.

As an educator of thirteen years, I have to say that I think most teachers want to do the right thing, but the system isn't always set up for success. I'm wondering if this film will set forth a solution or a path that will get failing schools back on track. With the complexities and monumental issues, I have to wonder, but won't lose hope. Maybe a spotlight on the issue will help.


Anonymous said...

This is so interesting. It will be interesting to see if that amount of money and power can make a real difference? Can't wait to see what happens! dayle timmons

Melanie Holtsman said...

I am just excited to see some attention being paid to public education. I have such respect for the folks who do what we do. We all need to come together with some solutions!

Anonymous said...

I love your positive attitude about Oprah's show! At first, I felt a little bristly about the whole thing, since the public always seems to highlight the negatives of public education. But, I am also fortunate enough to work in a fabulous school district where we are working very hard. As you said though, there are still failing children so there is still work to do.

Dee Dee Tamburrino said...

Can we take a teacher field trip to see this movie? I don't watch much TV and never would have known about it had you not blogged about it. Thanks for sharing.