Thursday, August 14, 2014

We Hit the Pot of Gold with Our PTA!

PTA hosted breakfast this morning for our faculty. We enjoyed delicious food and fellowship, and were introduced to this year's PTA board. PTA does so much for our school. They host monthly parent nights, throw an awesome Fall Carnival, and hold BUDS Club movie nights.  They purchase all student awards, support our Readers to Leaders programs, and buy classroom and school items that we desperately need. Last year, they bought us a new laminater and purchased many new document cameras. What they do best is share their incredible talent and time with us. Their volunteer hours help us create the one of a kind experience our children deserve.We are so grateful!

You know what else is so special and unique?  They gift every student and teacher a theme based t-shirt which we wear on Fridays to show our school spirit!  That's over 1,400 t-shirts! We get our shirts at our yearly breakfast and gift them to our students on their first day of school.  Our whole school community wears their CCE t-shirts on the second day of school. I just love this unique tradition. This year our faculty shirts are ruby red and the students' shirts are emerald green. Don't you just love them?  There's No Place Like Home...

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